On July 2nd, 2022, the World Assembly of Assyrian Youth held their first (virtual) social mixer for its members. These members included 6 different Assyrian youth organizations from Armenia, Canada, Central Europe, Sweden, Syria, and the USA (AYFA). The group of individuals were able to introduce themselves and get more acquainted with WAAY and their member organizations. AYFA's board members, Nineveh Rasho and Sylvia Isteefanos were honored to attend and AYFA's president, Gabriel Babella was in attendance as a board member of WAAY (whaaat!). It was very exciting to meet Assyrians across the globe who feel the same motivation and inspiration as we all do to work with and for our youth and our nation. Because of the difficulties in finding a time for all of the youth organizations to meet, members from Australia, New Zealand, and London were not able to join the first ever mixer. However, WAAY’s 2nd (virtual) social mixer is set to be on August 20th at 9pm PST/ 11p CST which will fit the schedules of those that couldn't attend. To say people were inspired after the mixer is an understatement. AYFA looks forward to what WAAY may bring!
In July 2013, young Assyrians from various countries came together and held a summit in Toronto, Canada. The objective of this summit was to establish networks with one another and to strategize for a more collaborative and cohesive future. In 2016, delegates from the summit re-grouped in Stockholm, Sweden, where the blueprints of the World Assembly of Assyrian Youth (WAAY) were officially drawn.
WAAY’s founding principles and purpose are as follows:
To act as a global platform for Assyrian youth and to encourage active networking and participation,
To bridge the Assyrian Diaspora with its Assyrian homeland, as well as drive successful cooperation,
To remain secular and independent of any religious or political affiliations,
To share knowledge and resources,
To lead significant initiatives that shall support the Assyrian youth in the homeland,
To encourage inclusivity and drive strategic organizational partnerships globally,
To network with like-minded non-Assyrian youth organizations,
To encourage youth representation within all countries where Assyrians live,
To provide consultation on matters concerning Assyrian youth, particularly in the drafting or influencing of policies.

WAAY is comprised of three membership classifications: Full Members, Associate Members, and Observer Members. As of 2022, WAAY consists of six Full Members and two Associate Members. A yearly Congress Meeting is held to plan projects, agendas, as well as the Board of Directors for the subsequent year. The Congress participants consist of the Board of Directors, Full Member Organization delegates, Associate Member Organization delegates, and Observer Members. Voting rights are granted to the Full Members as well as the Associate Members. The elected Board of Directors manage WAAY’s tasks.
WAAY’s founding principles and purpose are as follows:
To act as a global platform for Assyrian youth and to encourage active networking and participation,
To bridge the Assyrian Diaspora with its Assyrian homeland, as well as drive successful cooperation,
To remain secular and independent of any religious or political affiliations,
To share knowledge and resources,
To lead significant initiatives that shall support the Assyrian youth in the homeland,
To encourage inclusivity and drive strategic organizational partnerships globally,
To network with like-minded non-Assyrian youth organizations,
To encourage youth representation within all countries where Assyrians live,
To provide consultation on matters concerning Assyrian youth, particularly in the drafting or influencing of policies.
To learn more about WAAY, visit their website at waay.info